who am I in a nut shell lets see this never becomes easier with practices like when we were younger well here goes I was brought up with there are somethings you do & things you just don't I love children of which I have four ranging from 22 to 18 three of which have made me a grandfather & grand kids are Gods gift for not killing your own remember age is the time this world gets to enjoy our presence till the father calls us home I love the out doors I've been told by several people even being in a wheelchair there doesn't seem to be anything I can't accomplish once I set my mind to it I'm an decent mechanic did it for 8yrs in army I've also laid brick,drove 18wheelers,& sold auto parts till a near fatal motorcycle wreck at which time my now ex informed me see was leaving cause she couldn't be with a cripple k she wasn't nearly as nice in her wording but that was along time a go now you know a little about me lets hear about you