«Lucky Lovers» - Знакомства c  с одинокими  иностранцами для брака, отношений и любви


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56 лет,
Чикаго, США
Thanks in advance for taking time out to read about me. I know my profile and description isn't intended for all, but for only the right one. I am However, boyfriend and husband material..I'm a man that's drawn to Natural beauty and intellect. I'm a empty nester with Los Angeles ties. A spiritual, straight man, fit, dd/free with an advanced forward thinking mind that's grounded center and 420 wise. I’m health/food conscience and HWP for my slim muscular frame. My mate should compliment my body. Revered as a Renaissance with a calming disposition, who's educated, traveled and cultural diverse. I'm not here to collect friends or on a mission of conquest. I'm a proud Man on a quest to achieve greatness and eventually find a life mate. I see a glass half full; I work hard and play smarter..I love life and enjoy making people laugh. I'm work in progress. My passions are production design, art direction, set design and building. My heart is film & TV development. I'm currently networking with other creative types in film & television and theatre. I fit well in any social setting. My interest are in abundance. My music taste varies. My beliefs are somewhat traditional; I believe in Love, chivalry, romance and etc. I have an attentive side and described as a romantic affectionato. I make the perfect fit for the right woman adding balance, stability and completion to a person seeking the same, making us a Power Couple. If you read this much about me and a bit of intrigue causes a smile. Then I'd like to hear from you. Most of you want something real, solid and a friendship that could weather the times, yet your decision to limit who can send you a note limits your opportunities to get off this site. I plan to relocate this summer, heading West, and the right one is invited.
В возрасте:
37-90 лет
Дружбы, Отношений, Брака / Создания семьи
Кого я хочу встретить:
A compassionate, thoughtful drama free as possible woman for a friendship that catches on fire. Someone like me that brings to the table a bounty.
Обо мне:
Семейное положение:
Холост / Не замужем
Есть, живем порознь
Отношение к религии:
Духовный, но не религиозный
Знание языков:
Внешний вид:
175 см
72 кг
Цвет глаз:
Цвет волос:
Коренная американская
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