«Lucky Lovers» - Знакомства c  с одинокими  иностранцами для брака, отношений и любви


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55 лет,
Noblesville, США
Insanity is repeating the same mistake & expecting a different result" once U R done with camping, fishing, family, friends, church, kids, work and sleep, WHATS THE GUY 4? THIS PROFILE IS NOT FOR The 98% here..No man is here looking for FISHING/CAMPING/FAMILY AND friends. He most likely has that. I do NOT need a blue pill. I would hope by the time u get to be 50, you'd have something better to offer than the same stuff as a 20-30 yr old. Please read the WHOLE profile BEFORE you reply. men with No photos or women that have 10 face shots and Not 1, full body shot. (he or she will know the truth when u meet). dinner,movies,etc.etc. all great, but without the same Intimate Interests it will never work.I can talk about physiology, politics, religion, mathematics,etc.ect. But then again U do Not need a boyfriend for that, talk to your family, friends, and co-workers. if all u know and want is a simple F.. and s... then move on to someone more Normal.. I seek a woman that LOVES Fmmmm fun, even if just 1 at a time. M=male. F=female. sucks I have to explain that to the 98% God, I hope whoever is reading this Is PAST the subject line. If u want the simple and avg. move on now. I realize 98% here r on cell phones and don't read more than a headline. "Reading is fundamental", Try It. stop being lazy, yet complain. Go read woman over 45, then tell me what makes U different. I wouldn't be here at all if all I wanted was normal-dime a dozen. If the family is # 1, BE with them. fishing, and camping really? I could just hang out with bob, Fred, etc... U want "romance"?!. .......so he can have 3" or suck at oral. But, its all good?.as long as he takes u 2 dinners? WTF..No wonder u r single. go read 10 female profiles, you'll see just how 95% here are generic aka why would anyone with a pulse want them. THIS IS NOT 4 the common/average/normal woman. IF your wild and crazy is, 5 rooms and a BJ in a car. Please move on. PLEASE read or see about Lenny Bruce, then U might have an idea of how I think. I am not here just seeking a date. Nor am I here seeking just common garden verity s..x . That being said You putting on your profile No booty calls, one night stands, no players, games,etc.etc. is a waste of text. The guys that do seek that, will just lie to get it, anyway. & for the real guys that do have a pulse and don't suffer Low T., it just makes you sound like a prude or a nun. I am a 1 woman man BUT >>>I seek a multi-man loving woman. IF U can only handle 1 d..i.c..k, Than u r to conservative for me.. when You meet face to face and find each other attractive and have chemistry or you don't, what is the point of the 2,3,5,7 date rule? It just makes the guy think U r just not that into him. which is most likely why they don't call back after the 1st date. I seek my true partner in crime. someone who's not a prude. someone that's actually been to reelone, would be a big plus. someone who also agrees that size does matter. I am Not seeking someone that just wants someone to do hobby's with, that's what friends, families, and co-workers are for. I work for me, so I have lots of free time. I love smart, witty and sarcastic. contact me, if you'd love to meet someone that's not the common mold. Time is NOT on our side. Keep waiting for mr perfect, and u can be yet another old person with no one. Let's swap a couple messages, then talk on the phone and meet. I am not about talking for weeks. let's face it, way to many people here can't even post a current pic. I like fun, witty, uninhibited, bent, unconventional, non-jealous and non-phobic People. All The rest, I wish would just stop breathing my air. I am Loyal, open-minded, and Unconventional. I practice what I preach I never ask anything of anyone that I myself wouldn't do. I am very reliable. Lastly, I treat others as I would like to be treated. I’m really good at: figuring out how to make It fit. I am exceptional with figuring percentages on the fly, and I know the Mind is a person's sexiest asset. cute is a dime a dozen Favorite books, movies, shows: "The mysterious stranger"(Mark Twain), The BEST book I have ever read, keep in mind the man that wrote it was born in 1835. Star Trek (2009) and most of the rest. ALL of the old ones. John Oliver and John Stewart dead poets society No country for old men shawshank redemption, green mile, Man of Fire To Kill a Mockingbird, goodwill hunting, brave-heart,, Sling blade, Elizabeth, mutiny of the bounty(the 1950s one). million dollar baby, star trek, star wars. old movies from the 40s,50s,60s.
В возрасте:
45-55 лет
Кого я хочу встретить:
A woman that close and that would love to have a long term relationship. with a man. that wants her to have many extra men.
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Холост / Не замужем
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Внешний вид:
182 см
97 кг
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Коренная американская
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